intext:The Egyptians believed this organ was necessary for the afterlife and would determine if you were good or evil ==

To provide explanations for each step in solving the problem, we need to break it down into smaller parts and analyze each step individually. Here is a step-by-step explanation in Go:

  1. Declare and initialize the variable:go var organ string = "heart"

In this step, we declare a variable named organ of type string and assign the value "heart" to it. We choose the variable type string because the organ's name is a sequence of characters.

  1. Check if the organ is necessary for the afterlife: ```go var isNecessaryForAfterlife bool = false

if organ == "heart" { isNecessaryForAfterlife = true } ```

In this step, we declare a variable named isNecessaryForAfterlife of type bool and initialize it to false. We then use an if statement to check if the value of the organ variable is equal to "heart". If it is, we assign true to the isNecessaryForAfterlife variable, indicating that the organ is necessary for the afterlife.

  1. Check if the organ determines if you were good or evil: ```go var determinesGoodOrEvil bool = false

if organ == "heart" { determinesGoodOrEvil = true } ```

In this step, we declare a variable named determinesGoodOrEvil of type bool and initialize it to false. We again use an if statement to check if the value of the organ variable is equal to "heart". If it is, we assign true to the determinesGoodOrEvil variable, indicating that the organ determines if you were good or evil.

  1. Explanations:

  2. The variable organ represents the organ believed by the Egyptians to be necessary for the afterlife.

  3. The variable isNecessaryForAfterlife is a boolean variable that indicates whether the organ is necessary for the afterlife. If the value of organ is equal to "heart", it is considered necessary, and the variable is set to true.
  4. The variable determinesGoodOrEvil is a boolean variable that indicates whether the organ determines if you were good or evil. If the value of organ is equal to "heart", it is believed to determine good or evil, and the variable is set to true.

This explanation breaks down the problem into individual steps and provides an explanation for each step in solving it using the Go programming language.