golang ecb aes

Certainly! Here are the steps to perform AES encryption in ECB mode using Go (Golang):

  1. Import the required packages:
import (
  1. Define the plaintext to be encrypted and the AES key:
plaintext := []byte("YourPlainTextHere")
key := []byte("Your32ByteAESKeyHere")
  1. Create a new AES cipher block using the key:
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
    // Handle error
  1. Pad the plaintext to make its length a multiple of the block size (if needed):
plaintext = PKCS7Padding(plaintext, aes.BlockSize)
  1. Create a cipher text container:
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
  1. Encrypt the plaintext using AES in ECB mode:
ecb := NewECBEncrypter(block)
ecb.CryptBlocks(ciphertext, plaintext)
  1. Encode the ciphertext to Base64 for readability:
encodedText := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext)
  1. Perform the necessary decryption steps if you want to retrieve the original plaintext:
// Decryption is omitted here for brevity

Note: You'll need to define the PKCS7Padding and NewECBEncrypter functions to perform PKCS7 padding and create an ECB encrypter since Go's standard library doesn't provide direct support for ECB mode. Also, remember that ECB mode is generally not recommended for most cryptographic purposes due to its susceptibility to certain attacks.