gcloud golang call function with auth

To make a gcloud golang call function with auth, follow these steps:

  1. Import the required packages:
  2. Import the "context" package for handling context in your application.
  3. Import the "cloud.google.com/go" package for using the Google Cloud Client Library in your application.
  4. Import the "google.golang.org/api/option" package for providing authentication options.

  5. Create a context:

  6. Use the "context.Background()" function to create a new background context.

  7. Set up authentication:

  8. Use the "option.WithCredentialsFile" function to specify the path to your service account key JSON file.
  9. Pass the credentials option to the "cloud.google.com/go" package to authenticate your application.

  10. Create a client:

  11. Use the "cloud.google.com/go" package to create a new client for the desired Google Cloud service, such as Cloud Functions.
  12. Pass the context and authentication options to the client constructor.

  13. Call the function:

  14. Use the created client to call the desired function.
  15. Provide any required parameters or arguments to the function call.

  16. Handle the response:

  17. Process the response returned by the function call as per your application's requirements.

By following these steps, you will be able to make a gcloud golang call function with authentication.