golang decorator

A decorator in Go, also known as function wrapping, is a way to modify the behavior of a function without changing its source code. It is achieved by defining a higher-order function that takes the original function as an argument and returns a new function with added functionality. Here are the steps to create a decorator in Go:

Step 1: Define the original function Start by defining the original function that you want to modify. This function will serve as the base for the decorator.

Step 2: Define the decorator function Next, define a higher-order function that takes the original function as an argument and returns a new function. This new function will have the added functionality that you want to apply to the original function.

Step 3: Implement the decorator logic Inside the decorator function, you can implement any additional logic or modifications that you want to apply to the original function. This can include things like logging, error handling, input validation, or any other custom behavior.

Step 4: Return the decorated function Finally, return the decorated function from the decorator function. This decorated function will now have the combined functionality of the original function and the modifications implemented in the decorator.

Step 5: Use the decorator To use the decorator, simply call the decorator function with the original function as an argument, and assign the returned decorated function to a new variable. This new variable can then be used to call the decorated function, which will execute the modified behavior.

That's it! By following these steps, you can create a decorator in Go to modify the behavior of your functions without changing their source code.