goos=mac goarch=amd64 go build

The command go build is used to compile a Go program. When you run this command, the Go compiler will compile the source code and generate an executable file.

The flags GOOS and GOARCH are used to specify the target operating system and architecture for which you want to build the executable.

In the given command goos=mac goarch=amd64 go build, the value of GOOS is set to mac, indicating that the target operating system is macOS. Similarly, the value of GOARCH is set to amd64, indicating that the target architecture is 64-bit x86.

By specifying these values, the Go compiler will generate an executable file that is compatible with the specified operating system and architecture.

So, when you run the command goos=mac goarch=amd64 go build, the Go compiler will compile the Go source code and generate an executable file that can be run on macOS with a 64-bit x86 architecture.