zoom map to city with city name google map developer

To achieve this, you can use the Google Maps Platform's Geocoding API to convert the city name into geographic coordinates, and then use the Maps JavaScript API to display the map with the zoom level set to your preference.

  1. Use the Geocoding API to convert the city name into geographic coordinates. This API allows you to retrieve the latitude and longitude of a location based on its address or place name.

  2. Once you have the geographic coordinates, use the Maps JavaScript API to initialize the map and set the center to the obtained coordinates. You can also set the zoom level at this stage to focus on the city.

  3. Embed the map on your website or application using the provided code from the Maps JavaScript API, and ensure that the city is displayed at the appropriate zoom level for a clear view.

By following these steps, you can dynamically zoom the map to a specific city using the Google Maps Platform.