escape html golang

To escape HTML in Go language, you can use the "html" package which provides a function named "EscapeString". This function takes a string as input and returns the escaped version of that string.

Here are the steps to escape HTML in Go:

  1. Import the "html" package: import "html"

  2. Use the "EscapeString" function: escapedString := html.EscapeString(inputString)

Here, "inputString" is the string that you want to escape.

  1. The "EscapeString" function will replace any special characters in the input string with their corresponding HTML entities. For example, the less-than symbol "<" will be replaced with "<", the greater-than symbol ">" will be replaced with ">", and so on.

  2. The "escapedString" variable will now hold the escaped version of the input string.

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to escape HTML in Go using the "html" package.