Go circular rotation of array moving right

To perform a circular rotation of an array in the Go programming language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the array: Start by declaring and initializing the array that you want to rotate. For example, if you have an array called "arr" with elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], you can declare it as follows: arr := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

  2. Define the rotation count: Determine the number of positions you want to rotate the array. Let's say you want to rotate the array three positions to the right.

  3. Calculate the effective rotation count: To ensure that the rotation count is within the bounds of the array length, calculate the effective rotation count using the modulus operator (%). For example, if the rotation count is three and the array length is five, the effective rotation count would be three % 5 = 3.

  4. Perform the rotation: Create a new slice to store the rotated array. Use the slice operator to extract the elements from the original array and append them to the new slice in the desired order. To rotate the array to the right, you can use the append function and slice operators as follows: rotated := append(arr[len(arr)-effectiveRotationCount:], arr[:len(arr)-effectiveRotationCount]...)

  5. Print the rotated array: Finally, you can print the rotated array to verify the result. You can use a simple for loop to iterate over the elements of the rotated array and print them individually. For example: for _, element := range rotated { fmt.Printf("%d ", element) }

This completes the circular rotation of an array in Go. The above steps explain how to rotate an array to the right, but you can modify the code accordingly if you want to rotate it to the left. Remember to import the necessary packages, such as "fmt", at the beginning of your Go program.