how to make a div text don't go to the new line

To prevent the text inside a div from wrapping to a new line, you can use CSS to apply the white-space: nowrap; property to the div element. This property prevents the text from wrapping and forces it to stay on a single line.

Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. First, you need to create a div element in your HTML markup. You can use the <div> tag and provide an appropriate class or ID to select it in CSS.

  2. Next, you'll need to define a CSS selector for the div element. You can use either a class or ID selector, depending on how you've assigned the class or ID to your div.

For example, if you've assigned a class to your div, you can use the class selector in CSS like this:

css .my-div { white-space: nowrap; }

Or if you've assigned an ID to your div, you can use the ID selector in CSS like this:

css #my-div { white-space: nowrap; }

  1. Finally, apply the CSS class or ID to your div element by adding the respective attribute to the div tag in your HTML markup.

For example, if you've assigned a class to your div, you can add the class attribute to your div tag like this:


This text will not wrap to a new line.


Or if you've assigned an ID to your div, you can add the id attribute to your div tag like this:


This text will not wrap to a new line.


That's it! The text inside your div will now stay on a single line and not wrap to a new line.