create rune in golang

To create a rune in Go, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Import the "fmt" package

import "fmt"

The "fmt" package is used to print the output to the console.

Step 2: Declare a variable of type rune

var myRune rune

This variable will hold the rune value.

Step 3: Assign a value to the variable

myRune = 'A'

Here, we assign the character 'A' to the variable myRune. The character is enclosed in single quotes to represent a rune value.

Step 4: Print the rune value

fmt.Printf("%c", myRune)

The Printf function from the "fmt" package is used to print the rune value. The %c format specifier is used to print the character representation of the rune.

Step 5: Run the program Compile and run the program, and you will see the output as the character 'A' printed on the console.

This is a basic example of how to create and print a rune in Go. Runes are used to represent Unicode characters, and they can be assigned and manipulated just like any other variable in Go.