go value of pi

Finding the Go value of pi

To find the value of pi in Go, you can use the math package, which provides a constant for pi. Here are the steps to find the value of pi in Go:

  1. Import the math package: go import "math"

  2. Access the constant Pi from the math package: go pi := math.Pi

  3. Use the pi variable to access the value of pi: go fmt.Println(pi)

The complete code to find the value of pi in Go would look like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    pi := math.Pi

When you run this code, it will output the value of pi, which is approximately 3.141592653589793.

Please note that the value of pi is an irrational number and cannot be represented exactly in a finite number of decimal places. The math.Pi constant in Go provides an approximation of pi with a high degree of accuracy.

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