djnago HistoricalRecords

  1. First, create a new directory for the Go project using the command "mkdir projectname" in the terminal.
  2. Navigate into the project directory using the command "cd projectname" in the terminal.
  3. Set up a Go module inside the project directory using the command "go mod init" in the terminal.
  4. Create a new file named "main.go" inside the project directory using a text editor.
  5. Write the necessary code for the historical records application using the Go programming language in the "main.go" file.
  6. Import the required packages and libraries at the beginning of the "main.go" file using the "import" keyword.
  7. Implement the functionality to connect to the database and retrieve historical records within the "main.go" file.
  8. Test the application to ensure that it functions as expected using the command "go run main.go" in the terminal.
  9. Once the application is tested and working correctly, consider deploying it to a server or platform for public access.