snapd unavailable for WSL 2 in Windows

The reason why snapd is currently unavailable for WSL 2 in Windows is primarily due to the fact that snapd relies on certain Linux kernel features that are not available in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment.

What is snapd?

Snapd is a package manager and software deployment tool used primarily in Linux distributions. It allows users to install and manage software packages, known as snaps, in a consistent and secure manner.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

WSL is a compatibility layer provided by Microsoft that allows users to run a Linux environment directly on Windows. It provides a way to run Linux command-line tools and utilities on Windows without the need for virtual machines or dual-booting.

Incompatibility with WSL 2

While WSL 2 provides a more complete Linux kernel experience compared to its predecessor, WSL 1, there are still certain kernel features and capabilities that are not fully supported or implemented in WSL 2. This includes specific features that snapd relies on for its operation.

Alternative Solutions

If you want to use snapd in a Windows environment, there are a few alternative solutions you can consider:

  1. Dual Boot: You can set up a dual-boot configuration where you have both Windows and a Linux distribution installed on separate partitions of your hard drive. This would allow you to use snapd natively in the Linux environment.

  2. Virtual Machine: Another option is to run a Linux virtual machine (VM) within your Windows operating system using software such as VirtualBox or VMware. This would provide a complete Linux environment where you can install and use snapd.

  3. Containerization: If your primary goal is to use specific applications packaged as snaps, you can explore containerization technologies such as Docker. Docker allows you to create and run lightweight, isolated containers that can contain the necessary dependencies and software packages, including snaps.


In summary, snapd is currently unavailable for WSL 2 in Windows due to the incompatibility between the Linux kernel features relied upon by snapd and the features implemented in WSL 2. However, there are alternative solutions available, such as dual booting, running a Linux virtual machine, or using containerization technologies like Docker, which can provide similar functionalities to snapd in a Windows environment.