go create multiple variables on a single line

Certainly! Here is an example of creating multiple variables on a single line in the Go programming language, along with explanations for each step:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var (
        name     string = "John"
        age      int    = 30
        isMale   bool   = true
        salary   float64 = 5000.50
        language string = "Go"

    fmt.Println("Name:", name)
    fmt.Println("Age:", age)
    fmt.Println("Is Male:", isMale)
    fmt.Println("Salary:", salary)
    fmt.Println("Language:", language)


  1. var: This keyword is used to declare variables in Go.

  2. name string = "John": This creates a string variable named name and assigns the value "John" to it. The string type indicates that the variable can store text.

  3. age int = 30: This creates an integer variable named age and assigns the value 30 to it. The int type indicates that the variable can store whole numbers.

  4. isMale bool = true: This creates a boolean variable named isMale and assigns the value true to it. The bool type indicates that the variable can store either true or false.

  5. salary float64 = 5000.50: This creates a floating-point variable named salary and assigns the value 5000.50 to it. The float64 type indicates that the variable can store decimal numbers.

  6. language string = "Go": This creates a string variable named language and assigns the value "Go" to it.

  7. fmt.Println("Name:", name): This prints the value of the name variable to the console, along with the label "Name:".

  8. fmt.Println("Age:", age): This prints the value of the age variable to the console, along with the label "Age:".

  9. fmt.Println("Is Male:", isMale): This prints the value of the isMale variable to the console, along with the label "Is Male:".

  10. fmt.Println("Salary:", salary): This prints the value of the salary variable to the console, along with the label "Salary:".

  11. fmt.Println("Language:", language): This prints the value of the language variable to the console, along with the label "Language:".

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.