golang make chan

The "make" keyword in the Go programming language is used to create and initialize various types of objects. One common use of "make" is to create a channel.

A channel in Go is a way for goroutines (concurrent functions) to communicate with each other by sending and receiving values. It provides a safe and synchronized way to transfer data between goroutines.

To create a channel using "make", you need to specify the type of values that the channel will transport. For example, to create a channel that transports integers, you would use the following syntax:

ch := make(chan int)

In this example, "ch" is a variable that holds the newly created channel. The channel can be used to send and receive integers between goroutines.

Channels in Go have two main operations: sending and receiving. To send a value into a channel, you use the "<-" operator. For example, to send the value 42 into the channel "ch", you would write:

ch <- 42

On the receiving end, you use the same "<-" operator to receive a value from the channel. For example, to receive a value from the channel "ch" and store it in a variable called "x", you would write:

x := <-ch

It's important to note that sending and receiving on a channel will cause the executing goroutine to block until the other end of the channel is ready. This synchronization ensures that the values are properly communicated between goroutines.

Overall, the "make" keyword in Go is used to create channels, which are a fundamental feature for communication between goroutines. By using channels, you can write concurrent and synchronized programs in Go.