printf ("%d \n", goal);

The given code snippet is written in the Go programming language and uses the printf function to print the value of the variable goal.

Let's break down the code step by step:

  1. printf: printf is a function in the Go programming language used for formatted printing. It is used to print the value of a variable or a string with specified formatting.

  2. ("%d \n", goal): This is the format string passed as the first argument to the printf function. The %d is a format specifier for printing integers, and the \n represents a new line character.

  3. goal: This is the variable whose value will be printed using the format string. The %d format specifier indicates that the value should be treated as an integer.

When the code is executed, the value of the variable goal will be printed on the console, followed by a new line character. The value will be printed as an integer because of the %d format specifier.

That's the explanation of each step of the given code snippet in the Go programming language.