%d in golang

%d in Go is a formatting verb that is used to represent a decimal integer value. It is commonly used in Go to format and print integer values in a specific format. Here is an explanation of each step involved in using %d in Go:

  1. Declare a variable: Start by declaring a variable of type int that holds the integer value you want to format and print.

  2. Use Printf function: The Printf function is used to format and print the output to the console. It takes a format string as the first argument, followed by the values to be formatted and printed.

  3. Format string: In the format string, you can include the %d verb to specify where the integer value should be inserted. For example, "The value is %d" would print the integer value at the specified position in the string.

  4. Provide the value: After the format string, you need to provide the actual value to be formatted and printed. This can be done by passing the variable that holds the integer value as an argument to the Printf function.

  5. Run the program: Finally, run the program to see the formatted output. The Printf function will replace the %d verb with the actual integer value, resulting in the desired output.

By following these steps, you can use the %d formatting verb in Go to format and print decimal integer values.