Golang strconv, Convert Int to String

To convert an integer to a string in the Go programming language using the strconv package, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the strconv package: At the beginning of your Go file, import the strconv package using the following code: import "strconv"

  2. Use the strconv.Itoa() function: The strconv package provides the Itoa() function, which converts an integer to a string. This function takes an integer as a parameter and returns the corresponding string representation. You can use it like this: str := strconv.Itoa(number)

In the above code, number is the integer value that you want to convert to a string, and str is the resulting string.

The Itoa() function works by formatting the integer value as a decimal string. It does not support other number formats like binary or hexadecimal.

  1. Use the resulting string: Once you have converted the integer to a string, you can use the str variable to perform any further operations or display the result as needed.

That's it! By following these steps, you can convert an integer to a string using the strconv package in Go.