go type conversion

To convert a value from one type to another in Go, you can use type conversion. Type conversion allows you to convert a value of one type to a different type, as long as the two types are compatible.

To perform a type conversion in Go, you need to use the syntax <type>(<value>), where <type> is the type you want to convert to, and <value> is the value you want to convert.

Here are the steps involved in performing a type conversion in Go:

  1. Identify the source value and target type: Determine the value that you want to convert and the type you want to convert it to.

  2. Check for compatibility: Ensure that the source value and target type are compatible for conversion. In Go, you can only convert between compatible types. For example, you can convert an int to a float64, but you cannot convert a string to an int directly.

  3. Perform the type conversion: Use the type conversion syntax <type>(<value>) to perform the conversion. Replace <type> with the target type and <value> with the source value.

  4. Assign the converted value: Store the converted value in a variable if you want to use it later. You can assign the converted value to a new variable or overwrite an existing variable.

Here's an example that demonstrates type conversion in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var num int = 42
    var floatNum float64

    floatNum = float64(num) // Type conversion from int to float64

    fmt.Println(floatNum) // Output: 42.0

In this example, we have an int variable num with a value of 42. We want to convert this int value to a float64. We perform the type conversion using float64(num), and assign the converted value to the floatNum variable. Finally, we print the value of floatNum, which will be 42.0.

Remember to ensure that the types you're converting between are compatible, otherwise you may encounter a compilation error.