instancing in godot

To create an instance of a class in Godot using the Go language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages: At the beginning of your code, import the required packages. For Go-based game development in Godot, you will typically need to import the gdnative package.

  2. Define a struct for your class: Create a struct that represents your custom class, which will contain the data and methods for your instance.

  3. Implement the necessary interfaces: Implement the interfaces provided by the gdnative package. These interfaces are required for your class to be recognized by the Godot engine.

  4. Register the class: Register your class with the Godot engine, so that it can be instantiated and used within the engine. This step typically involves calling a registration function provided by the gdnative package.

  5. Create an instance: Finally, you can create an instance of your class using the New function or any other initialization method you have defined within your struct.

Here's an example code snippet that showcases these steps:

package main

import (

type MyCustomClass struct {
    // ... Add your custom fields and methods here

// Implement the necessary interfaces
func (c *MyCustomClass) ClassName() string {
    return "MyCustomClass"

// Register the class
func RegisterMyCustomClass() {

func main() {
    // Initialize Godot

    // Register your custom class

    // Create an instance of your custom class
    instance := New(MyCustomClass)

    // ... Use the instance as needed

    // Run the game loop

Remember to replace MyCustomClass with your own class name, and make sure to define the necessary fields and methods within the struct.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to create an instance of a class in Godot using the Go language. Let me know if you have any further questions.