golang palindrome

To check if a string is a palindrome in Go (Golang), follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
import (

The fmt package is needed for reading input and printing output, while the strings package provides utility functions for manipulating strings.

  1. Read the input string:
var input string
fmt.Print("Enter a string: ")

This prompts the user to enter a string and stores it in the input variable.

  1. Remove any spaces from the input string:
input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, " ", "")

This line removes any spaces from the input string using the ReplaceAll function from the strings package.

  1. Initialize two pointers, start and end, pointing to the start and end of the string:
start := 0
end := len(input) - 1
  1. Check if the string is a palindrome using a loop:
isPalindrome := true
for start < end {
    if input[start] != input[end] {
        isPalindrome = false

In each iteration of the loop, it compares the characters at the start and end positions. If they are not equal, it sets the isPalindrome variable to false and breaks out of the loop.

  1. Print the result:
if isPalindrome {
    fmt.Println("The string is a palindrome.")
} else {
    fmt.Println("The string is not a palindrome.")

This code uses conditional statements to print whether the string is a palindrome or not based on the value of the isPalindrome variable.

That's it! The code above checks if a string is a palindrome in Go without using any personal words or sentences.