timer in golang

To create a timer in Go, you can use the time package. Here are the steps to create a timer in Go:

  1. Import the time package:
import "time"
  1. Create a channel of type time.Time to receive the time signal when the timer expires:
timer := make(chan time.Time)
  1. Start the timer by using the time.AfterFunc function. This function takes two arguments: the duration of the timer and a function to be executed when the timer expires:
time.AfterFunc(time.Second*5, func() {
    timer <- time.Now()

In this example, the timer is set to expire after 5 seconds.

  1. Block the execution of your code until the timer expires by using the <-timer syntax:

Once the timer expires, the current time will be sent to the timer channel, and the <-timer statement will unblock, allowing the code to continue executing.

That's it! With these steps, you can create a timer in Go and execute code when the timer expires. Remember to handle any errors that may arise during the process.