convert canvas to DataUrl and insert image in google sheet

To convert canvas to DataUrl and insert an image in Google Sheets, you can follow these steps:

  1. Convert Canvas to DataUrl:
func canvasToDataUrl(canvas *html.Canvas) string {
    return canvas.ToDataURL()
  1. Insert Image in Google Sheets:
func insertImageInSheet(sheetId string, imageBase64 string) error {
    // Use Google Sheets API to insert the image into the specified sheet
    // Example code to insert image in Google Sheets goes here
    return nil

Explanation: - In the first step, we define a function called canvasToDataUrl which takes a canvas element as input and returns the Data URL of the canvas image. - Then, in the second step, we have a function named insertImageInSheet which takes the Google Sheets' ID and the base64 encoded image data as input, and it uses the Google Sheets API to insert the image into the specified sheet. However, the actual code for using the Google Sheets API to insert the image is not provided here and should be implemented separately using the Google Sheets API documentation and libraries.