go code coverage

To generate code coverage in Go, you can use the built-in tool called "go test" with the "-cover" flag. The code coverage tool provides information about the percentage of code that is covered by tests. Here are the steps to generate code coverage in Go:

  1. Write your Go code and corresponding test files:
  2. Start by writing your Go code that needs to be tested.
  3. Create a separate test file with the "_test.go" suffix in the same package.
  4. Write test functions that cover different aspects of your code.

  5. Run the tests with code coverage:

  6. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing your Go code and test files.
  7. Run the following command: go test -cover

    • The "go test" command runs all the tests in the current directory and its subdirectories.
    • The "-cover" flag tells Go to calculate and display the code coverage.
  8. Analyze the code coverage output:

  9. After the tests finish running, Go will display the code coverage statistics.
  10. The output will show the percentage of code covered by tests for each Go file.
  11. Additionally, Go will highlight the lines of code that were covered and those that were not.

  12. Generate a coverage profile:

  13. If you want more detailed coverage information, you can generate a coverage profile file.
  14. Run the following command: go test -coverprofile=coverage.out

    • This command generates a coverage profile file named "coverage.out".
    • The coverage profile contains detailed information about which lines of code were covered.
  15. View the coverage profile:

  16. To view the coverage profile in a human-readable format, use the following command: go tool cover -html=coverage.out
  17. This command opens a web browser with a graphical representation of the coverage profile.
  18. The web page shows the covered and uncovered lines of code, along with the percentage of coverage.

By following these steps, you can generate code coverage in Go and gain insights into the effectiveness of your tests. Code coverage helps identify areas of your code that are not adequately tested, allowing you to improve the quality and reliability of your software.