recenter google map based on route

package main

import (

const (

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    // Initialize the Google Maps client
    client, err := maps.NewClient(maps.WithAPIKey(apiKey))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error creating Google Maps client: %v", err)

    // Define the waypoints for the route
    waypoints := []string{"New York, NY", "Los Angeles, CA"}

    // Retrieve the route information
    routeResp, _, err := client.Directions(ctx, &maps.DirectionsRequest{
        Origin:      waypoints[0],
        Destination: waypoints[len(waypoints)-1],
        Waypoints:   waypoints[1 : len(waypoints)-1],
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error getting directions: %v", err)

    // Calculate the center point of the route
    centerLat, centerLng := calculateCenter(routeResp)

    // Print the center coordinates
    log.Printf("Center Coordinates: %f, %f", centerLat, centerLng)

func calculateCenter(route *maps.DirectionsResponse) (float64, float64) {
    var totalLat, totalLng float64

    // Sum up the latitude and longitude of all points in the route
    for _, leg := range route.Routes[0].Legs {
        totalLat += leg.StartLocation.Lat
        totalLng += leg.StartLocation.Lng
        for _, step := range leg.Steps {
            totalLat += step.StartLocation.Lat
            totalLng += step.StartLocation.Lng
            totalLat += step.EndLocation.Lat
            totalLng += step.EndLocation.Lng

    // Calculate the average latitude and longitude
    numPoints := float64(len(route.Routes[0].Legs)2 + len(route.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps)4)
    centerLat := totalLat / numPoints
    centerLng := totalLng / numPoints

    return centerLat, centerLng