float number golang two dots

To create a float number in the Go programming language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a variable of type float32 or float64, depending on the precision you need. For example:

go var myFloat float32

  1. Assign a value to the variable using the assignment operator (=). For example:

go myFloat = 3.14

Alternatively, you can combine the declaration and assignment in a single line:

go var myFloat float32 = 3.14

  1. You can also use shorthand declaration and assignment using the := operator if you want Go to infer the type for you:

go myFloat := 3.14

This is equivalent to the previous example.

  1. You can perform arithmetic operations on float numbers. For example, you can add two float numbers together:

go result := myFloat + 2.5

  1. To output the float number to the console, you can use the fmt package's Println function:

```go import "fmt"

fmt.Println(myFloat) ```

This will display the value of myFloat.

Remember to import the "fmt" package at the beginning of your Go program to use the Println function.

That's it! These steps will allow you to create and work with float numbers in Go.