gorm models

To create Go gorm models, follow these steps:

  1. Define the struct: Start by defining the struct that represents your model. This struct should contain the fields that you want to store in the database. Each field should have a corresponding Go type.

  2. Add tags to the struct fields: Use tags to provide additional information about each field. These tags specify how the field should be mapped to the database. For example, you can specify the column name, data type, primary key, auto-increment, and more.

  3. Create the model: Create a new Go file for your model and import the necessary packages. In this file, define a function to create the model. Inside this function, you can define the struct and its tags.

  4. Connect to the database: Before interacting with the database, you need to establish a connection. Use the gorm package to connect to your database system. Make sure to import the appropriate driver for your database.

  5. Migrate the model: Once the connection is established, you can use gorm's migration feature to create the necessary tables in the database based on your model. This ensures that the database schema matches the struct definition.

  6. Perform CRUD operations: With the model and database connected, you can now perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on your data. Use gorm's functions to insert, retrieve, update, and delete records from the database.

  7. Close the connection: After you're done working with the database, it's important to close the connection to release any resources. Use the appropriate function provided by the gorm package to close the connection properly.

By following these steps, you can create and interact with gorm models in Go to store and retrieve data from a database.