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Installing Go Language

  1. Download Go:
  2. Go to the official Go website at
  3. Download the installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux)

  4. Install Go:

  5. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system:

    • Windows: Run the downloaded installer and follow the prompts.
    • macOS: Open the downloaded package and follow the installation instructions.
    • Linux: Extract the downloaded archive and follow the installation instructions in the README file.
  6. Set Environment Variables:

  7. After installation, set the GOPATH environment variable to specify the root of your workspace.
  8. Add the Go binary path to the system's PATH environment variable.

  9. Verify Installation:

  10. Open a terminal or command prompt and type go version to verify that Go has been installed correctly.
  11. You should see the installed Go version printed to the console.

  12. Update PATH (Windows):

  13. If you're using Windows, you may need to update the Path environment variable to include the Go binary path.

  14. IDE or Editor:

  15. Choose an IDE or text editor with Go support, such as Visual Studio Code with the Go extension, or GoLand by JetBrains.

  16. Hello World:

  17. Write a simple "Hello, World!" program in Go to test your installation and setup.

This process will ensure that you have successfully installed the Go programming language on your system.