vscode golang cannot find package

  1. Open Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

  2. Install the Go extension for VSCode by clicking on the Extensions view icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X. Search for "Go" and install the one provided by Microsoft.

  3. Set up your Go workspace by creating a Go project folder. This folder should be outside of the GOPATH if you are using Go modules. If not, make sure your project is within the GOPATH.

  4. Open the terminal in VSCode by clicking on "View" in the top menu, then selecting "Terminal" or using the shortcut Ctrl+`.

  5. Navigate to your Go project folder using the cd command.

  6. Initialize Go modules in your project by running the following command: go mod init <your_module_name>

  7. Create a new Go file with a .go extension in your project folder. Write your Go code in this file.

  8. Import packages in your Go file using the full import path. For example: go import "fmt"

  9. Save your Go file.

  10. Run your Go program using the terminal and the go run command. For example: go run <your_file_name>.go

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, and the necessary packages are available on the Go module registry. If the issue persists, check your go.mod file for any errors in the module path or version specifications.