go operators

package main

import (

func main() {
    var a = 10
    var b = 20

    fmt.Println("a + b =", a+b) // Addition
    fmt.Println("a - b =", a-b) // Subtraction
    fmt.Println("a  b =", ab) // Multiplication
    fmt.Println("b / a =", b/a) // Division
    fmt.Println("b % a =", b%a) // Modulus

    var c = 5
    fmt.Println("c << 2 =", c<<2) // Left shift
    fmt.Println("c >> 2 =", c>>2) // Right shift

    var d = true
    var e = false
    fmt.Println("d && e =", d && e) // Logical AND
    fmt.Println("d || e =", d || e) // Logical OR
    fmt.Println("!d =", !d)       // Logical NOT

    var f = 3
    var g = 4
    fmt.Println("f & g =", f&g)   // Bitwise AND
    fmt.Println("f | g =", f|g)   // Bitwise OR
    fmt.Println("f ^ g =", f^g)   // Bitwise XOR
    fmt.Println("^f =", ^f)       // Bitwise NOT

Explanation: - a + b: Adds the values of variables a and b. - a - b: Subtracts the value of b from a. - a * b: Multiplies the values of a and b. - b / a: Divides the value of b by a. - b % a: Finds the remainder of b divided by a. - c << 2: Shifts the bits of c to the left by 2 positions. - c >> 2: Shifts the bits of c to the right by 2 positions. - d && e: Returns true if both d and e are true, otherwise false (Logical AND). - d || e: Returns true if either d or e is true, otherwise false (Logical OR). - !d: Returns the opposite of the value of d (Logical NOT). - f & g: Performs a bitwise AND operation between f and g. - f | g: Performs a bitwise OR operation between f and g. - f ^ g: Performs a bitwise XOR operation between f and g. - ^f: Performs a bitwise NOT operation on f.