Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project electronicbookshop: Compilation failure

  1. Check the Maven Compiler Plugin version in your project's POM file.
            <version>3.1</version> <!-- Check if this version is correct -->
                <!-- Other configurations -->
  1. Verify if the Go plugin is correctly configured in your POM file.
            <version>2.0</version> <!-- Check if this version is correct -->
  1. Ensure that the Go source files are located in the correct directory structure.
└── main
    └── go
        └── your
            └── package
                └── files.go
  1. Confirm that the Go compiler is installed on your system and available in the system's PATH.

  2. Check for any syntax errors or compilation issues in your Go source code.

  3. Verify if there are any unresolved dependencies in your Go code, and make sure they are imported correctly.

  4. Ensure that the necessary environment variables, like GOPATH and GOROOT, are set correctly.

  5. Check for any typos or errors in the Maven command used for compilation.

  6. If using external packages, ensure that their versions are compatible with your Go version.

  7. Review the Maven build logs for more specific error messages and details about the compilation failure.