setborder google script

package main

import (


func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    // Authenticate and create a Docs service
    creds, err := google.CredentialsFromJSON(ctx, []byte("YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON"), docs.CloudPlatformScope)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to retrieve credentials: %v", err)

    docsService, err := docs.NewService(ctx, option.WithCredentials(creds))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to create Docs service: %v", err)

    // Set the border of a paragraph
    paragraphID := "YOUR_PARAGRAPH_ID"

    reqs := []*docs.Request{
            UpdateParagraphStyle: &docs.UpdateParagraphStyleRequest{
                Fields: "*",
                Range: &docs.Range{
                    StartIndex:    0,
                    EndIndex:      1,
                    ParagraphId:   paragraphID,
                    SegmentId:     "",
                    SegmentType:   "",
                    SegmentStyle:  nil,
                    ForceSendFields: nil,
                    NullFields:     nil,
                ParagraphStyle: &docs.ParagraphStyle{
                    NamedStyleType: "",
                    Alignment:      "",
                    SpaceAbove:     nil,
                    IndentStart:    nil,
                    LineSpacing:    nil,
                    Direction:      "",
                    SpacingMode:    "",
                    Borders: &docs.Borders{
                        Bottom: &docs.Border{
                            Color: &docs.OptionalColor{
                                Color: &docs.Color{
                                    RgbColor: &docs.RgbColor{
                                        Red:   0.0,
                                        Green: 0.0,
                                        Blue:  0.0,
                            Width: &docs.Dimension{
                                Magnitude: 1,
                                Unit:      "PT",

    _, err = docsService.Documents.BatchUpdate(docID, &docs.BatchUpdateDocumentRequest{Requests: reqs}).Do()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Unable to set border: %v", err)

    fmt.Println("Border set successfully!")

Explanation: 1. Package main is declared, indicating that this is an executable program. 2. Necessary libraries are imported: fmt for formatted I/O, log for logging, os for operating system functionality, strings for string manipulation, and the necessary Google API libraries (docs/v1, context, google, option) for working with Google Docs. 3. The main() function begins program execution. 4. Context ctx is created to manage the execution lifecycle of API requests. 5. Authentication is performed using Google service account credentials (YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON) to access the Docs API. 6. A Docs service (docsService) is created using the obtained credentials. 7. Variables docID and paragraphID are set to the respective Document ID and Paragraph ID where the border will be applied. 8. A docs.Request slice reqs is created to hold the request to update the paragraph style with a border. 9. The UpdateParagraphStyleRequest within reqs specifies the details of the update, including the border properties like color, width, etc. 10. The docsService.Documents.BatchUpdate function is called to apply the update to the specified document and paragraph. 11. If any errors occur during the update process, they are logged. 12. Upon successful execution, a confirmation message is printed: "Border set successfully!"