csgo show fps

Sure! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to show FPS (frames per second) in the game CS:GO using the Go language:

  1. Import the required packages:
  2. github.com/robfig/cron for scheduling tasks
  3. github.com/kr/pretty for formatting the output

  4. Create a function to get the current FPS:

  5. Use the time package to calculate the time it takes to render each frame
  6. Calculate the FPS by dividing the number of frames rendered by the time taken

  7. Create a function to display the FPS on the game screen:

  8. Use the appropriate functions from the game's API to display the FPS
  9. Convert the FPS value to a string and format it using the pretty package

  10. Create a main function to initiate the FPS display:

  11. Use the cron package to schedule the FPS display function to run at a specific interval
  12. Set the interval based on your preference or the game's requirements

  13. Build and run the program:

  14. Use the go build command to compile the program
  15. Run the compiled binary file to start the FPS display

By following these steps, you will be able to show the FPS in CS:GO using the Go language.