golang scan directory

Here is an example of how you can scan a directory in Go (Golang) and an explanation for each step:

package main

import (

func main() {
    dir := "/path/to/directory"

    files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    if err != nil {

    for _, file := range files {


  1. Import the necessary packages:
  2. The fmt package provides formatted I/O functions, such as printing to the console.
  3. The io/ioutil package provides utility functions for working with files and directories.
  4. The log package provides a simple logging package.

  5. Define the main function:

  6. The main function is the entry point of the program.

  7. Specify the directory path:

  8. Assign the directory path you want to scan to the dir variable.

  9. Read the directory:

  10. Use the ioutil.ReadDir() function to read the contents of the directory specified by the dir variable.
  11. This function returns a slice of os.FileInfo objects representing the files and directories in the specified directory.
  12. If an error occurs during the reading process, the err variable will be assigned an error value.

  13. Handle any errors:

  14. Check if the err variable is not nil, indicating that an error occurred during the directory reading process.
  15. If an error is present, use the log.Fatal() function to log the error message and exit the program.

  16. Iterate over the files:

  17. Use a for loop to iterate over each element in the files slice.
  18. The underscore _ is used as a blank identifier to ignore the index value of each element.
  19. The file variable represents each os.FileInfo object in the files slice.

  20. Print the file names:

  21. Use the fmt.Println() function to print the name of each file to the console.

This code will scan the specified directory and print the names of all the files present in the directory.