go replace string

To replace a string in Go, you can use the strings.Replace() function. Here are the steps to perform this operation:

  1. Import the strings package: go import "strings"

  2. Define the original string: go originalString := "This is the original string"

  3. Define the replacement string: go replacementString := "replacement"

  4. Define the target string to search for and replace: go targetString := "original"

  5. Use the strings.Replace() function to replace the target string with the replacement string: go newString := strings.Replace(originalString, targetString, replacementString, -1)

The strings.Replace() function takes four arguments: - The original string to search in (originalString). - The target string to replace (targetString). - The replacement string (replacementString). - The number of replacements to perform. Use -1 to replace all occurrences.

  1. Print the new string: go fmt.Println(newString)

This will output: This is the replacement string

That's it! The strings.Replace() function allows you to replace a target string with a replacement string in Go.