golang sort slice content

To sort a slice in Go (golang), you can use the built-in sort package. Here are the steps to sort the content of a slice:

  1. Import the sort package: To use the sorting functions in Go, you need to import the sort package. You can do this by adding the following line at the beginning of your code:
import "sort"
  1. Create a slice: Before sorting the content, you need to have a slice with the elements you want to sort. You can create a slice and populate it with values of any type. For example:
mySlice := []int{4, 2, 7, 1, 5}
  1. Define a sorting function: Go provides a generic sorting function called sort.Slice. This function takes the slice you want to sort, and a sorting function that defines the order of the elements. The sorting function should have the following signature:
func(i, j int) bool {
    return mySlice[i] < mySlice[j]

This sorting function compares two elements mySlice[i] and mySlice[j] and returns true if the element at index i should come before the element at index j in the sorted slice.

  1. Sort the slice: To sort the slice, you can call the sort.Slice function and pass in the slice and the sorting function as arguments. For example:
sort.Slice(mySlice, func(i, j int) bool {
    return mySlice[i] < mySlice[j]

After these steps, the mySlice will be sorted in ascending order. You can print the sorted slice to verify the result:


That's it! You have successfully sorted the content of a slice in Go using the sort package.