Golang Insert At Index (any slice)

package main

import "fmt"

func insertAtIndex(slice []int, index int, value int) []int {
    // Step 1: Create a new slice with enough capacity to accommodate the new element.
    result := make([]int, len(slice)+1)

    // Step 2: Copy the elements before the insertion point from the original slice to the new slice.
    copy(result[:index], slice[:index])

    // Step 3: Insert the new element at the specified index in the new slice.
    result[index] = value

    // Step 4: Copy the elements after the insertion point from the original slice to the new slice.
    copy(result[index+1:], slice[index:])

    // Step 5: Return the modified slice with the new element inserted.
    return result

func main() {
    // Example usage:
    originalSlice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    index := 2
    value := 10

    modifiedSlice := insertAtIndex(originalSlice, index, value)

    fmt.Printf("Original Slice: %v\n", originalSlice)
    fmt.Printf("Modified Slice: %v\n", modifiedSlice)