switch case google script

To use a switch case statement in Google Apps Script with the Go language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a variable or expression that you want to evaluate using the switch case statement.

  2. Use the switch keyword followed by the variable or expression in parentheses.

  3. Open a curly brace ({) to start the switch case block.

  4. Inside the switch case block, use the case keyword followed by a value or expression that you want to compare with the variable or expression from step 1. This value or expression should be enclosed in parentheses.

  5. After the case keyword, add a colon (:) to indicate the start of the code block that will be executed if the case matches the variable or expression.

  6. Write the code that you want to execute when the case matches the variable or expression. This code block can contain one or more statements.

  7. To control the flow of execution, use the optional break keyword after each code block. This will exit the switch case block and continue with the code outside the block.

  8. If none of the cases match the variable or expression, you can use the default keyword followed by a colon (:) to specify the code block that will be executed in that case.

  9. Close the switch case block with a closing curly brace (}).

Here is an example to illustrate the steps mentioned above:

switch variable {
  case value1:
    // code to execute if variable matches value1
  case value2:
    // code to execute if variable matches value2
    // code to execute if variable does not match any cases

Please note that the example provided is a general structure of a switch case statement in Go. You will need to replace variable, value1, value2, and the code blocks with your specific variable names, values, and code logic.