go goose

Step 1: Declare a Package

In Go, the first step is to declare a package. A package is a way to organize related Go source files.

package main

The main package is a special package that tells the Go compiler that this is the entry point of the program.

Step 2: Import Required Packages

Next, we import any necessary packages. Packages are used to provide functionality that is not available in the standard Go library.

import "fmt"

In this example, we are importing the fmt package, which provides functions for formatted I/O.

Step 3: Define the Main Function

The main function is the entry point of the Go program. It is the first function that gets executed when the program is run.

func main() {
    // Code goes here

Step 4: Write Code Inside the Main Function

Now, we can write the actual code that we want to execute inside the main function.

func main() {
    fmt.Println("go goose")

In this example, we are using the Println function from the fmt package to print the string "go goose" to the console.

Step 5: Run the Program

To run the Go program, we need to compile and execute it. You can do this by opening a terminal or command prompt, navigating to the directory where the Go file is located, and typing the following command:

go run filename.go

Replace filename.go with the actual name of your Go file.

Complete Example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("go goose")

By following these steps, you can create a simple Go program that prints "go goose" to the console.