aws s3 get file size

To get the file size of an object in Amazon S3 using the Go programming language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
  2. Import the "fmt" package for formatting and printing the output.
  3. Import the "" package for making AWS API requests.
  4. Import the "" package for creating a new AWS session.
  5. Import the "" package for interacting with the S3 service.

  6. Create a new AWS session:

  7. Use the "session.NewSession" function to create a new session.
  8. Pass the AWS region and any other required credentials or configuration options.

  9. Create a new S3 client:

  10. Use the "s3.New" function to create a new S3 service client.
  11. Pass the AWS session created in the previous step.

  12. Get the file size:

  13. Use the "GetObject" method of the S3 client to retrieve the metadata of the object.
  14. Pass the bucket name and object key as parameters.
  15. Assign the returned object to a variable.

  16. Extract the file size from the object's metadata:

  17. Access the "ContentLength" field of the object to get the file size in bytes.
  18. Assign the file size to a variable.

  19. Print the file size:

  20. Use the "fmt.Println" function to print the file size in a desired format.

That's it! By following these steps, you can retrieve the file size of an object in Amazon S3 using the Go programming language. Remember to handle any errors that may occur during the process.