golang append to list

To append an element to a list in the Go programming language, you can use the built-in function append(). Here are the steps involved:

  1. Declare a list variable: Start by declaring a variable of the desired list type. For example, if you want to create a list of integers, you can declare a variable like this: var numbers []int.

  2. Initialize the list: You can initialize the list with some initial values if needed. For example, you can assign a slice of integers to the variable: numbers = []int{1, 2, 3}.

  3. Append an element to the list: To add an element to the end of the list, you can use the append() function. The syntax for appending an element is: numbers = append(numbers, element), where numbers is the list variable and element is the value you want to append.

  4. Verify the result: You can print the list to verify that the element has been successfully appended. For example, you can use fmt.Println(numbers) to display the updated list.

That's it! Following these steps, you can append elements to a list in Go using the append() function. Keep in mind that the append() function returns a new slice that includes the appended element, so you need to assign the result back to the original list variable.