golang execute bash command

To execute a bash command in Go (also known as golang), you can use the os/exec package. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
import (

In this step, the fmt package is imported for printing the output, and the os/exec package is imported for executing the bash command.

  1. Define the bash command:
command := "ls"

In this step, you define the bash command you want to execute. In this example, the command is set to ls, which lists the contents of the current directory.

  1. Execute the bash command:
output, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", command).Output()

In this step, the exec.Command function is used to execute the bash command. The first argument is the command to execute (bash), followed by -c to indicate that the following argument is the command to be executed, and finally the actual command (command).

The Output method is called on the exec.Command object to retrieve the output of the command. It returns the output as a byte slice and an error value.

  1. Handle any errors:
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error executing command:", err)

In this step, the error returned by the exec.Command is checked. If there is an error, it is printed, and the execution is stopped.

  1. Print the output:

In this step, the output of the bash command is printed. The string function is used to convert the byte slice (output) to a string before printing it.

That's it! These are the steps to execute a bash command in Go using the os/exec package. Remember to replace the ls command with your desired command.