golang switch

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declare a variable num of type int and assign a value
    num := 3

    // Use the switch statement to evaluate the value of num
    switch num {
    // Check if num is 1
    case 1:
        // If num is 1, print "One"

    // Check if num is 2
    case 2:
        // If num is 2, print "Two"

    // Check if num is 3
    case 3:
        // If num is 3, print "Three"

    // Check if num is 4 or 5
    case 4, 5:
        // If num is 4 or 5, print "Four or Five"
        fmt.Println("Four or Five")

    // Default case if none of the above conditions are met
        // If num doesn't match any case, print "Other"