ubuntu mongodb db list

To list the databases in MongoDB using the Go programming language on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages: In your Go code, import the "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" package to access the MongoDB driver, and import the "context" package for context management.

  2. Set up a MongoDB client: Create a new MongoDB client by calling the "mongo.Connect" function and passing in the MongoDB connection string. This connection string should include the necessary information to connect to your MongoDB server, such as the host and port.

  3. Connect to the MongoDB server: Use the "client.Connect" method to establish a connection to the MongoDB server. This method returns a "mongo.Client" object and an error if the connection fails.

  4. Access the database: Once the connection is established, you can access the databases using the "Client.Database" method. This method takes the name of the database as a parameter and returns a "mongo.Database" object.

  5. List the databases: To retrieve a list of databases, call the "ListDatabaseNames" method on the "mongo.Database" object. This method returns a cursor that you can iterate over to get the names of all the databases.

  6. Print the database names: Iterate over the cursor returned by the "ListDatabaseNames" method and print the names of the databases.

By following these steps, you can use the Go programming language on Ubuntu to connect to a MongoDB server and list the databases. Remember to handle any errors that may occur during the process.