join slice to string golang

package main

import (

func main() {
    slice := []string{"Hello", "world", "Golang"}
    result := strings.Join(slice, " ")


  1. package main: Declares the package as main, indicating that this Go file will be compiled into an executable program.

  2. import ( "fmt" "strings" ): Imports necessary packages. fmt is used for formatted I/O, and strings provides string manipulation functions.

  3. func main() { ... }: Defines the main function, which serves as the entry point of the program.

  4. slice := []string{"Hello", "world", "Golang"}: Declares and initializes a string slice named slice with three string elements: "Hello", "world", and "Golang".

  5. result := strings.Join(slice, " "): Uses the Join function from the strings package to concatenate the elements of the slice with a space " " in between, and assigns the result to the variable result.

  6. fmt.Println(result): Prints the concatenated string result to the standard output.