golang parse float64

To parse a float64 in Go (Golang), you can use the strconv package, specifically the ParseFloat function. Here are the steps to parse a float64 in Go:

  1. Import the strconv package:
import "strconv"
  1. Define a variable of type string that contains the float64 value you want to parse:
str := "3.14"
  1. Use the ParseFloat function from the strconv package to parse the string into a float64:
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)

The ParseFloat function takes two arguments: the string to parse and the bit size, which in this case is 64 for a float64. It returns two values: the parsed float64 value and an error. If the parsing is successful, the parsed value will be stored in the f64 variable, otherwise, the err variable will contain the error.

  1. Check for any errors:
if err != nil {
    // handle the error

You should always check if the parsing resulted in an error before using the parsed value. If an error occurred during parsing, you can handle it appropriately in this block.

  1. Use the parsed float64 value:
// Do something with f64

Now that you have successfully parsed the float64 value, you can use it in your code as needed.

That's it! These steps outline how to parse a float64 in Go using the strconv package. Remember to handle any errors that may occur during parsing to ensure your code behaves as expected.