how to make things invisible in godot

To make things invisible in Godot, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new scene: Start by creating a new scene or open an existing one where you want to make an object invisible.

  2. Add a VisibilityNotifier2D or VisibilityNotifier: In the scene, add a VisibilityNotifier2D node for 2D objects or a VisibilityNotifier node for 3D objects. This node will detect whether the object is visible on the screen.

  3. Connect signals: Connect the visibility_changed signal of the VisibilityNotifier2D/VisibilityNotifier node to a script or a function in your scene.

  4. Write a script: In the connected script or function, write the necessary code to make the object invisible. This code will typically involve changing the object's visibility property.

For a 2D object, you can use the following code:

extends VisibilityNotifier2D

func _ready():
    connect("visibility_changed", self, "_on_visibility_changed")

func _on_visibility_changed(visible):
    if visible:
        $Sprite.visible = true
        $Sprite.visible = false

Replace $Sprite with the actual path to your sprite or the node you want to make invisible.

For a 3D object, you can use the following code:

extends VisibilityNotifier

func _ready():
    connect("visibility_changed", self, "_on_visibility_changed")

func _on_visibility_changed(visible):
    if visible:
        $MeshInstance.visible = true
        $MeshInstance.visible = false

Replace $MeshInstance with the actual path to your MeshInstance or the node you want to make invisible.

  1. Save and test: Save your scene and test it in the Godot editor or by running your game. The object should now become invisible when it goes off-screen or becomes occluded.

Remember to save your work regularly and test your changes to ensure they work as expected.