golang date month number

To obtain the current date in the month number format using the Go programming language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
  2. Import the "time" package to work with dates and times.

  3. Get the current date:

  4. Use the "Now()" function from the "time" package to get the current date and time.
  5. Assign the result to a variable, let's say "currentDate".

  6. Extract the month number:

  7. Use the "Month()" function on the "currentDate" variable to extract the month component as a value of type "time.Month".
  8. Assign the result to a variable, let's say "monthNumber".

  9. Format the month number:

  10. Use the "int()" function to convert the "monthNumber" variable to an integer.
  11. Assign the result to a variable, let's say "formattedMonthNumber".

Here is the code snippet that demonstrates the above steps:

package main

import (

func main() {
    currentDate := time.Now()
    monthNumber := currentDate.Month()
    formattedMonthNumber := int(monthNumber)


Note: The code above will print the month number to the console. If you want to store it in a variable or use it for further calculations, you can modify the code accordingly.