Upload a Logo to PayPal's Checkout

To upload a logo to PayPal's checkout, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your PayPal Business account.
  2. Go to the "Settings" section.
  3. Click on "Customize checkout" under the "Checkout" tab.
  4. Scroll down to the "Logos" section.
  5. Click on the "Choose File" button to select the logo file from your computer.
  6. Once you've selected the file, click on the "Upload" button.
  7. PayPal will then process the logo and display a preview of how it will appear on your checkout page.
  8. Review the preview and make any necessary adjustments.
  9. Click on the "Save" button to apply the logo to your PayPal checkout page.

Please note that there are some requirements for the logo file: - The file must be in either JPEG, PNG, or GIF format. - The recommended dimensions for the logo are 190 pixels wide by 60 pixels high.

By following these steps, you will be able to upload a logo to PayPal's checkout and customize the appearance of your checkout page.