go starts with

To check if a string starts with a specific substring in Go, you can use the strings.HasPrefix() function. This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the given string starts with the specified prefix.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use strings.HasPrefix() to check if a string starts with a specific substring:

package main

import (

func main() {
    str := "Hello, world!"
    prefix := "Hello"

    if strings.HasPrefix(str, prefix) {
        fmt.Printf("The string '%s' starts with '%s'\n", str, prefix)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("The string '%s' does not start with '%s'\n", str, prefix)

In this example, we have a string str that contains the value "Hello, world!" and a prefix prefix that contains the value "Hello". We use the strings.HasPrefix() function to check if str starts with prefix. If it does, we print a message indicating that the string starts with the prefix. If it doesn't, we print a message indicating that the string does not start with the prefix.

When you run this code, the output will be:

The string 'Hello, world!' starts with 'Hello'

You can modify the values of str and prefix to test different scenarios and see the result.